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"Memoir. From Symphony No. 3 in C-D Major, The Seedy Symphony in XXVII Movements." Cholla Needles, 97.5


"The Broken One," Catamaran Literary Reader

Listed as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2022


"Little Brown Boats," Queen Mob's Teahouse


"My Mother's Last Days," River Teeth

"Ammons Learns Me a Thing Or Two," New South

"Imaginary Friends" (with Jacqueline Doyle). Reprinted in They Said: A Multi-Genre Anthology of Collaborative Writing, edited by Simone Muench, Dean Rader, Sally Ashton, and Jackie K. White

"Our President-elect Caused Me Chest Pains and an E.R. Visit," The Manifest-Station (See January 16, 2017 blog for a link.)

"The Cops," The Los Angeles Review

"Spiritual Direction," Under the Gum Tree

"The Count," Catamaran Literary Reader

"An Empty Classroom in June," BLUESTEM

"The Case for Steve Gutierrez," WACCAMAW
Listed as a Notable Essay in Best American Essays 2017

"Hopper at the Train Yard," Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction

"Letting It Be," Cleaver Magazine

"The Tricycle," The East Bay Review

“El Crow,” Alaska Quarterly Review

Essays in The River Teeth Reader, 10th Anniversary Anthology, elimae, West Magazine–Los Angeles Times Sunday, Third Coast, Under the Sun, River Teeth, Fourth Genre, San Francisco Chronicle Sunday, ZYZZYVA, the minnesota review, Santa Monica Review